My name is Rita Moreau -- the author of two cozy mystery series: The Mary Catherine Mahoney series and the Ghost & Camper Kooky Mysteries.
Mabel Gold is back in Florida
Mabel Gold plans to laze around in her lanai, drink tall cool drinks, and keep an eye out for a tall, cool Cuban policeman. Until her pals, Irma (a ghostly spirit) and Lili, get her involved in a new murder. Life can be wacko-doodle in Florida!
A feisty 60-something woman and a spirited spirit solve a murder.
After a cross-country trip driving an F-150 and hauling a vintage camper Mabel Gold has proven to herself—and her doubting kids—that she still has it in her. She's not sure what, Brooklyn smarts? Or, perhaps, it's just sheer wacky-ness.
Mabel Gold's adventures begins when as she drives a vintage camper across America -- with an unexpected guest -- or ghost, or spirit, whatever you call Irma -- sitting in the shotgun seat.
Book #1 - The beginning of the adventure. Mabel Gold buys a vintage camper--she didn't expect to find a ghost riding shotgun. Especially someone like Irma who has to do good deeds to get out of purgatory. Like solving a murder!
Book #2 - The adventures of Mabel and Irma continue when they arrive in Nashville where they meet two ghosts caught in a loop--they were murdered on Honky-Tonk Row, but can't go the heaven until their case is solved. Can Mabel and Irma solve this decades old cold-case?
Mabel and her ghostly friend Irma have made it to the Rockies! But when their friend, Lili, gets arrested for murder, the two of them have to swing into action to save her before it is too late...
Despite their good deed in Savannah, Mabel Gold’s ghostly friend Irma remains stuck in Purgatory. So when the plucky sixty-something divorcée pulls her haunted vintage camper into a Nashville campground, she’s expecting Irma to accompany her on the tour of the Grand Ole Opry.
Mabel and her ghostly roommate Irma, along with friend Lili and her retired homicide detective husband Bob, have made it to the Badlands. From the get-go, they were smack dab in the middle of another murder.
Get a Free Copy of The Russian & Aunt Sophia from my Mary Catherine Mahoney series about a former IRS agent inherited her family’s psychic abilities and a knack for trouble...
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